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J.V. Speyer

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, J.V. Speyer – J. V. Speyer has been telling stories since she was a small child. Her father raised her on a steady diet of science fiction, horror, and fantasy, and she came to romance later in life. Most of her inspiration is drawn from music, whether from a specific song or just a rhythm. Thanks so much, J.V., for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: As a child, what did you want … Read more

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GUEST POST: The Highlander, by Kasia Bacon

The Highlander

QSFer Kasia Bacon has a new MM fantasy book out, and she’s sharing a guest post with us today: In the first chapter of The Highlander—my upcoming fantasy release in the Order series, which will be available on 31st August—Lochan, one of the MCs, struggles with insomnia. This is a condition I’m familiar with. Ironically, I wrote this story while staying with a dear friend in the States. My sleep pattern, already poor, got further messed up by travelling and the resulting time and climate zone changes. I couldn’t sleep for a few days straight, and that made the connection … Read more

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ADVANCE REVIEW: The Stark Divide – WROTE Podcast

The Stark Divide - WROTE

Jayne Lockwood just posted a fricking AMAZING review of my forthcoming epic sci fi book, “The Stark Divide”: This is a potent tale in an era where the problems the characters are coming up against are very familiar. Namely, the refugee crisis, capitalism and politics, power play, and wars that escalate, causing mass devastation. The fate of the dying Earth is very dark indeed. In contrast, it is wonderful to see the birth and development of Forever, borne out of the asteroid Ariadne, where the seed was planted. And whilst this could easily be a bleak tale of a dystopian … Read more

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Point of View: Being Swagnificent

Scott bookmarks

GayRomLit is coming up quickly, and I’ve been madly trying to get my act together on the swag and promo front. For anyone who doesn’t know, swag is that free stuff they give away at convention booths. Buttons, pens, bookmarks, squishy balls – things that are supposed to stick with you to remind you of the company / author / concept the booth is trying to promote. Exactly what works best as swag is often a topic of heated debate in author circles. As a general rule of thumb, the more expensive it is, or the more perceived value it … Read more

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Erik Schubach

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Erik Schubach – I got my start writing novels by accident. I have always been drawn to strong female characters in books, like Honor Harrington. And I also believe that there is a lack of LGBT characters in media. So one day I came up with a story idea that combines the two… two days later I completed the manuscript for Music of the Soul. Giveaway: Erik is giving away an audiobook … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: Too Many Damned People

povs - pixabay

I have a problem. My friend Tam Ames recently asked us to name our worst bad writing habit as a band name. I came uo with this: “Too Many People in This Damned Book.” I love writing multiple point of views. I mean, like throw it down on the bed and make crazy love to it love. When I’ve tried to write from just one, which is most often the case for a short story, I feel confined. I love to bounce a situation between two characters, and see how they handle it from each of their POV’s. I blame … Read more

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Lina Langley

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Lina Langley – Lina Langley is a first-generation immigrant. She currently lives in sunny Florida and spends her time slashing hot strangers while getting coffee. Join Lina’s mailing list and get five free stories: Thanks so much, Lina, for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Lina Langley: A writer. I always wanted to be a writer. I’m one-track minded. … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: I Am Human. So Are You.


I am white. Gay and male. American. Californian. Sacramentan. Brunette and brown-eyed. A writer. Agnostic. Maybe a little overweight. I am human. You are black. Short. Blonde. Transgender. Chinese. An artist. A mother. Muslim. Green-eyed. A construction worker. Bisexual. South African. Christian. Non binary. A teacher. Russian. A small town kid. Homeless. Rich. Old and wise. You are human. I am tired from years of fighting. Broken. Worn down. Ready for the madness to end. So are you. We were silent for too long. We didn’t do enough when we could have. We didn’t stand up when it mattered. We … Read more

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Phoenix Hell

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Phoenix Hell – I’m a son, grandson, best friend, brother, uncle; a gray witch, and Oracle. One who fights invisible illnesses and mental ones. I’m shy at first but when you get to know me I’m fun and loving. I have always loved the paranormal and since reading the gay romance scene, I wanted to be the next Anne Rice or Sherrilyn Kenyon with a twist. I’m currently writing gay romance with either a … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: Chocolate or Bust


Hey all… This week is all about writing motivation. 🙂 I have, give or take, about two and a half months to finish my next novel, at least to the first draft stage. It’s do-able, though it’s a month less than I thought I had originally – long story there. But what it means is that I have to sit my butt down in the chair every single day to write, and for a good, solid chunk of time. I am a master procrastinator. As a writer, that probably goes without saying LOL. I can put something off for days … Read more