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I’m Featured at Gay Star News!!!

Gay Star News

The amazing folks at Gay Star News just featured me and QSF: Excited by the gay relationship included in the latest Star Trek series, I spoke with science fiction author J. Scott Coatsworth to dig a little deeper into why the genre of science fiction holds such appeal for a lot of LGBTI people. Coatsworth runs Queer Sci Fi with his husband Mark, a site that celebrates fiction that reflects queer reality. When did you first become interested in science fiction? When I was in second or third grade. My mom has always been a big sci-fi/fantasy nut, and a … Read more

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beta reader - 123rf purchased

Hey all, I just got the last of my beta reads back for “The Rising Tide,” the sequel to “”The Stark Divide.” If you don’t know what a beta reader is, it’s someone who reads an author’s story and gives it a critical review before the author submits the book to the publisher, giving us the chance to fix any egregious errors or plot misfires before the editors see the story. I love my beta readers. I hate my beta readers. It’s a private joke between Angel and us that, just once, I want my beta readers to all agree … Read more

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Thianna Durston

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Thianna Durston – a writer by day and supernova by night. Or at least that’s what the faeries tell her. And who is she to deny those pesky *cough* lovely little creatures? Thanks so much, Thianna, for joining me! Giveaway While my newest releases are contemporary romance, I’m giving away the reader’s choice of one of my m/m paranormal romances: Leland’s Gift (holiday), Discovery (contemporary), or Don’t Mess With His Pack (BDSM). … Read more

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Morgan Elektra

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Morgan Elektra – Born in the artists’ community of Woodstock, NY, Morgan Elektra discovered her passion for writing at a young age, penning stories of witches, vampires, and monsters at the dining room table. After years working day jobs and moonlighting as a reviewer for popular horror website Dread Central, Morgan left the comfort of an office to follow her dreams of writing fiction. She spent the early twenty-teens as a freelance … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: Sometimes I Want It Sweet

sweet love - pixabay

I write all kinds of things. OK, basically three kinds of things: –Sci Fi –Fantasy –Contemporary Magical Realism I am well-known for always wanting my contemporary to have a little extra something. The magical medallion in “Between the Lines”, the Freaky friday situation in “The Bear at the Bar”, and the sparkles in “River City”. Even my holiday tales have been affected. “A New Year” features an elf from Faerie, and last year’s Christmas tale “Wonderland” had both zombies and a post-apocalyptic Earth. But sometimes I just wanna go sweet. So this year, for the first time, I’ve penned a … Read more

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Gia Reaves

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Giovanna Reaves – Giovanna (Gia) Reaves is my alter ego, who is a dreamer. I spend my days and nights dreaming and thinking of the world’s I want to create with words. I started writing about three years ago, when I was introduced to the world of fan fiction. I loved the idea of creating a new world around characters that people already knew about. And ones that are original of my … Read more

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Hearts on Fire - The Stark Divide review

Diane at Hearts on Fire gave The Stark Divide a five star rating: I fear that no matter how I write this review, I will not do this book justice, and part of me just wants to say wow, you should read this book! If you have read any of J. Scott Coatsworth’s work, you know he is a science fiction and fantasy writer and I swear his work just keeps on getting better with each book he writes!… “Wow, you should read this book… I would easily put this on my favorites of 2017 list!” That said, I highly recommend … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: Zombies in River City

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Hey all, I am working my way through my consistency edit for “The River City Chronicles.” Yeah, I know, hobgoblin of little minds, and all that. But in a work of fiction, consistency is king. And in a serial story, it can be especially difficult to maintain, because a) it’s written over a relatively long period of time, and b) each chapter is published and essentially set in stone almost right away, so it’s harder to go back and fix things. And for me, c) I jumped into this too quickly, didn’t get a good head start, and took lousy … Read more

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JM Wolf

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, JM Wolf – JM Wolf never thought he would one day say that he’s a published M/M romance author. Having a poet for a mother and a sister to once ran a blog, it was only a matter of time before JM discovered his writing genes. In the beginning, his sole purpose in life was to be a singer/songwriter. Writing lyrics was the first step putting his thoughts onto paper. Even while singing, … Read more

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REVIEWS: The Stark Divide

The Stark Divide

More reviews keep coming in – today, two more five star reviews. 🙂 Kimi at the Kimi Chan Experience is hooked: “It’s got me hooked, waiting with bated breath to see what happens next.” If you are a fan of epic sci fi, this is the book for you. Coatsworth writes an engaging tale that spans generations, as we follow them from the first scrabble to leave the dying Earth onwards. The rich prose grabbed me from the very start, drawing me into a future world that seemed familiar and possible. I found myself swept along with the ideals of … Read more