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POINT OF VIEW: After the Fall

hope - pixabay

Anyone who read my column last week knows how devastated I was to find out someone I used to be close to had been killed eight years ago, and I’d only just found out last week. I’ve spent the last week and a half processing this. I’m a writer – that’s what we do. Now I am starting to emerge on the far side. I want to thank my friends and family for rallying around me, and I want to acknowledge the pain of those who were much closer to Damon than I, and who lost so much more with … Read more

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Kelly Haworth

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Kelly Haworth – Kelly Haworth grew up in San Francisco and has been reading science fiction and fantasy classics since she was a kid. She has way too active an imagination, thus she channels it into writing. Kelly is genderfluid and pansexual, and loves to write LGBTQIA characters into her work. Thanks so much, Kelly, for joining me! GIVEAWAY: Kelly is giving away an eBook copy of “Y Negative” – comment on … Read more

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REVIEW: The Stark Divide – Five Stars

The Stark Divide - Xtreme Delusins

Just got a fantastic review for “The Stark Divide” from Xtreme Delusions. “I was kept on the figurative edge of my seat much of the time while reading this and had to force myself to put it down at 5 a.m. at one point so that I could be at least partially functional when meeting with friends later that day.” Authors love this sort of praise. 😛 Get it now:

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BLOG TOUR: Foothills Pride V2, by Pat Henshaw

Foothills Pride V2

One of my favorite people, Pat Henshaw, is stopping by today! The second half of Pat Henshaw’s Foothills Pride series is finally coming out in print – four of her stories in one volume: During the recession at the beginning of the 21st century, many gays and lesbians moved from the San Francisco Bay Area and Sacramento to the Sierra Foothills. FLAG (Foothills Lesbians and Gays) was formed. This series was written for them. The influx of San Francisco Bay Area gays is now commonplace in Stone Acres, California. But that means big city problems—much to the dismay of long-time … Read more

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WARNING: This is a bit raw and intense. Read at your own risk. He was the first boy I ever wanted. He was the first boy who wanted me. He was my first. On October 23rd, 2009, Damon Nicholson was brutally murdered by a man who had slept with him the night before. He was beaten with a baseball bat in his own home so the man and his accomplice could take his electronics and sell them for drug money. I didn’t know this. I had been thinking about him for the last few days, and last Saturday I decided … Read more

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AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT: John-Michael Lander

John-Michael Lander

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, John-Michael Lander – John-Michael Lander has relied on his experiences as a competitive diver and traveling the world to write Surface Tension. He has had a diverse life that includes competitive diving, coaching, acting (theatre, film, and television), teaching, drawing, and writing. Thanks so much, John-Michael, for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? John-Michael Lander: As I child I went … Read more

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I Get Interviewed!

M.D. Neu Interview

My friend Marvin Neu was kind enough to host me over at his blog for an interview: My first Author Interview of 2018. I’m pleased to welcome J. Scott Coastworth to my Scribble page. Welcome Scott. Thank you for taking the time to chat with me today. Thanks for having me. If you don’t mind, please give us a quick introduction of yourself? Well, I live in Sacramento, California, with my husband Mark of 26 years. We live in a small yellow bungalow in a quiet, tree-lined neighborhood about ten minutes outside of downtown. I have been writing since I … Read more

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Scott 2018

Welcome to 2018! 2017 was a mixture of highs and lows for me and for us: –In January, the worst President of my lifetime entered the White House after the best one left –Mark and I also launched QueeRomance Ink –In February, my first novel “Skythane” came out, to great reviews –In March, I got to hang out with some of my best friends at the Dreamspinner Retreat in Orlando –Over the summer and into the fall, our health care was threatened numerous times –In September, we launched Other Worlds Ink, our author support company, starting with book tours –In … Read more

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A Holiday to Remember

A Holiday to Remember banner

The “A Holiday to Remember” blog tour is stopping by my blog today: For the first time, Mischief Corner Books is releasing a month-long collection of holiday-themed tales: Traditional Winter Holidays can be tough for a variety of reasons—family pressures, finding the right gift, homesick longing, and haunting memories to name a few. This collection showcases eleven queer short stories, from tender contemporaries to sweet paranormal to far-flung space tales, all designed to make you want to reach for your hot cocoa and your favorite snuggly spot. Come join us for A Holiday To Remember. Giveaway: For this tour, Mischief … Read more

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Point of View: Writer’s Wait

Writer's Block - Pixabay

Hey all, I just spent the last three weeks agonizing over the plot for “Ithani” – the last book in my Oberon Cycle trilogy. I’m dealing with eight major characters, trying to deliver on the romance piece for a third time, and planning wrap up all of the loose ends by the end of the book. I’ve sat down to outline things on a couple occasions, and nothing felt quite right. It’s like trying to stuff yourself into a pair of jeans that’s three sizes too small–it felt forced, and just sat there on the page, taunting me with its … Read more