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Rainbow Snippets: Ithani

rainbow snippet

First draft, and fresh-written, from the third and final book of the Oberon Cycle trilogy. Book two (“Lander”) comes out Tuesday. 🙂 Jameson scrambled away from the monstrous site that confronted them, trying to find purchase in the loose dirt of the crater. The creature was eight feet tall and wingless. It seemed to share the same general body plan as the Ithani, with three sets of limbs and a thorax, but it was thick where they were thin, heavy where they were lithe and beautiful, and… gravid was the only word that came to mind. Its skin was a … Read more

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ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: Elixir of Flight, by Alina Popescu

Elixir of Flight

QSFer Alina Popescu has a new MM sci fi book out: The truth always comes to light, no matter how old or dark the intergalactic veil of lies. When flyers Michael and Samandriel set out to find the elusive Ishtahr sanctuary, the truths they uncover about the origin of their race threaten the very foundation of the Intergalactic Alliance. If exposed, the alliance’s revered overseers might lose their rule over the galaxies and their ultimate military force, the flyers. Desperate to protect Adam, his lover, Michael will go against anyone who threatens the human’s life. Put into stasis by what … Read more

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“Lander” Reviewed in USA Today!


“Lander” just got a fantastic review in USA Today’s HEA Blog! —— I’m not sure I can do justice to this book with a mere review, but I’ll try. I loved the first book, Skythane, but Lander surpasses it… Oh, my goodness, I could not put this book down! … Very exciting, well worth the wait for the next episode. I can tell you no more without risk of spoilers. Sorry (not sorry)! —— Woo hoo!!!!! It releases in just four days, but is up for preorder everywhere: Dreamspinner eBook: Dreamspinner paperback: Amazon US: Barnes & … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: T-Minus Seven for My First Second

series - pixabay

I’m about to reach another milestone as a writer. As I put it to my Dad this evening on the phone, next Tuesday I’ll be releasing my first second book. Let me explain. I’m in the middle of writing not one but two trilogies – the Oberon Cycle and Liminal Sky. The second Oberon book, “Lander,” is coming out on 2/13, so it will be the first time I’ve had the second book in a series come out. I have no idea what to expect, other than having been told that the second book never sells as well as the … Read more

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Great Review for “The Stark Divide”

Ryane Chatman Review - The Stark Divide

Just got a fabulous review for “The Stark Divide” from Ryane Chatman:   Mr. Coatsworth continues to delight me with each book he writes. I am whisked off to reaches unknown, or reminded of places I’d like to see. He spins tales of longing, despair, faith (not always in the religious sense), and hope. Hope being the key feature of all of his stories. Hope keeps you young. Faith keeps you believing in hope. These are lessons we forget or we become too cynical to carry….   See the full review here: Get it now: DSP Publications (paperback): DSP … Read more

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Kristine Cayne

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Kristine Cayne – Kristine Cayne is the author of romantic suspense, erotic romance, and lgbt romance. Her books have won numerous awards and acclaim. GIVEAWAY: Kristine is giving away an eBook copy of Lover on Top (it’s an M/M romance with one bisexual character). Comment on this post below for a chance to win. Lover-Top-Firefighter- Romance-Six-Alarm- ebook/dp/B01EYXVZAM/ Thanks so much, Kristine, for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: Do you have any … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: Things That Make Me Happy

Buddha Board

Hey all, January was a difficult month for me personally, as readers of this column will know. Life moves on, though, and carries us with it. So for today, I want to step back, take a deep breath, and share some of the things that make me happy. 1) Snuggling in Bed With My Honey: This and hot showers are two of my favorite things. Feeling Mark’s warmth next to me, once the triumphs and trials of the day are over, centers me and makes me happy. Until I get too warm and need my own space. LOL… I think … Read more

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Amelia's Dog

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Amelia Faulkner – Amelia Faulkner was born in Thame, Oxfordshire, and sprouted upward in short order. The ground around Thame is reasonably mucky, especially in the winter, and she can’t be blamed for wanting to get away from it. “Please provide author photo:” No such thing exists. Please enjoy this picture of my dog: Thanks so much, Amelia, for joining me! Giveaway Amelia is giving away a copy of the Jack of Thorns … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: The Holy Sh!t Moment

Scott - Holy Sh!t Moment

Every novelist works a little differently. Some write books by the seat of their pants, riding the crazy writing train to wherever it takes them. Others make meticulous outlines before ever putting a word on the page, and know exactly where they’re going and how they will get there. I suspect that most of us are somewhere in the middle. Icertainly am. I start with a loose outline. I know how the plot will lay out, generally, and the steps along the way. But I also allow for that rarest of beasts – the “Holy Sh!t Moment (HSM).” It’s the … Read more

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The Mutt

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Kasia Bacon – AUTHORDESC. Thanks so much, Kasia, for joining me! Giveaway Kasia is giving away three copies of her book “The Poison Within” with this blog post. Use the rafflecopter below to enter. 🙂 a Rafflecopter giveaway J. Scott Coatsworth: As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Kasia Bacon: A dentist, at first. Then a spy. However, I came to the conclusion-reasonably quickly-that I preferred … Read more