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POINT OF VIEW: Riding the Writing Roller Coaster

Roller Coaster - Pixabay

I am two weeks away from sending Ithani, the final book in the “Oberon Cycle,” to my beta readers, and I am in full-scale freak out mode. OK, maybe not full scale. I still have all my clothes on. It has proven more challenging than I expected to write the series ender – there are so many loose ends to wrap up, and it’s necessary to both ramp up the volume and to keep tight reins on a story that caps off my first complete trilogy. I got within two chapters of the ending and realized something wasn’t right. I … Read more

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Janelle Reston

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Janelle Reston – Janelle Reston lives in a northern lake town with her partner and their black cats. Thanks so much, Janelle, for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: Do you use a pseudonym? If so, why? If not, why not? Janelle Reston: Yes. I write under several different genres and for different audiences, so I divided them into general groupings and assigned different names (pen names and variations on my legal name) … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: Days of Despair, Moments of Grace and Beauty

Tulips - pixabay

These are trying times for most of the people I know. Our country is in a shambles. The headlines dominating the news would have been unthinkable just two years ago – a porn star threatening to describe a sitting president’s “junk.” A US senator berating kinds for trying to stop gun violence. An unchained Russia meddling in other countries’ affairs with impunity, changing elections, supporting discord, and killing expatriates on foreign soil. Closer to home, Mark and I have friends dealing with parental loss, cancer, and depression. In the midst of the longest run of economic “prosperity” in decades, we … Read more

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Kim Fielding

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Kim Fielding – Kim Fielding is the bestselling author of numerous m/m romance novels, novellas, and short stories. Like Kim herself, her work is eclectic, spanning genres such as contemporary, fantasy, paranormal, and historical. Thanks so much, Kim, for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: What do you do if you get a brilliant idea at a bad time? Kim Fielding: I get my best ideas at weird times, most especially in the … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: Making Connections & Hiding Easter Eggs


As an author, one of my main jobs in my stories is the art of making connections. Connections between characters. Connections between the beginning and end of a story. Connections within a series. As part of this job, I am currently re-reading Skythane and Lander while I write Oberon, so I can make connections between the three books that will give my readers that “aha!” moment when they discover them, and that will help insure continuity between the stories. But there are other kinds of connections that we trade in as writers too. Some are unintentional. These often come out … Read more

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Asta Idonea

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Asta Idonea – Asta Idonea (aka Nicki J Markus) was born in England but now lives in Adelaide, South Australia. She has loved both reading and writing from a young age and is also a keen linguist, having studied several foreign languages.. Thanks so much, Asta, for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: Tell us about a unique or quirky habit of yours. Asta Idonea: I have been known to talk aloud to … Read more

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Point of View: Exclusive Scene from Ithani


Hey all… I’m rounding the bend on Ithani and heading for the finish line. This is one of the most difficult books I’ve written yet, but when it all comes together, I think it’s gonna be awesome. 🙂 I thought I’d shake things up a bit and share an advance scene for all the folks out there who love Morgan. Enjoy! Morgan watched the man go. The city below was in ruins, but it would rise again, given time. He was an agent of the Ithani, but for some reason, he felt a bond with these humans—lander and skythane both. … Read more

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Matt Doyle

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Matt Doyle – Matt Doyle lives in the South East of England and shares his home with a wide variety of people and animals, as well as a fine selection of teas. Thanks so much, Matt, for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Matt Doyle: Either a werewolf or a pro wrestler. I actually achieved both to a degree! I … Read more

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Rainbow Snippet – Ithani


This is from Chapter 18 of Ithani, and is freshly written. 🙂 Wait! We have no time. We have time for this. He was inside Jameson this time, connected to him in a primal way. They moved as one, passion rising as they passed through one another, connected in the dreamtime down to the last fiber of their beings. They rose on the tide of climax, fixed on one another, and it was as good—no, better—than sex had ever been in the flesh. As he reached the height, Xander moaned, and Jameson matched him, their voices rising together in a … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: Keeping Out the World

Scott - Rise

I’m in a weird place this week. That sentence could have been written in almost any of the weeks of the last fifteen months. The world has gone strange on us, as frightening news and bile and threats and unhinged behavior seem to be running rampant. A large percentage of my fellow Americans seem to live in a world entirely different from my own, and while this has always been true, I’ve never felt so under seige by that world as I do today. It has beaten me down. I don’t want to run away. I want to be strong … Read more