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Me – Interviewed!

Barbara G. Tarn Interview

I always interview other folks, but today we’re turning the tables. My friend Barbara G. Tarn has me over to her blog for an interview: Where do you live and write from? My husband Mark and I live in Sacramento. We’ve been here for seventeen years – we lived in the Bay Area for a long time, but I grew up in Tucson. Literally, though, I write at my desk in our shared office with a view of an ivy-covered wall and my container vegetable garden. Why do you write? Because I have to. I’m a writer, and I have … Read more

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INTERVIEW: Briandaniel Oglesby

Briandaniel Oglesby

I met Briandaniel a few weeks ago at the annual Playwrights Revolution – a staged reading of four plays that Sacamento’s Capital Stage puts on every summer. Brian’s play “Basement Demons and Trailer Saints” stood out, not just because of the stellar cast of actors who put it on in less than a day, but for the fascinating writing and super-LGBTQ+ group of characters he’d created. So afterwards I screwed up my courage and went to talk to him, hopeful that I could get him to do an interview for QSF (which I will also share on my own blog). … Read more

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Interview: Love Romance Reads

Hey all… I’m featured over at LRR today. A sample: What kind of research do you do when you set out to write a new book? It really depends on the story. For one sci fi tale about climate change, Mark and I actually visited the parts of San Francisco where the story takes place and walked the route to see what a 25 foot increase in sea level would do to the city. That was a fun trip! For my story “Slow Thaw,” set in Antarctica, I scoured the web for sites to tell me what life was like … Read more

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Me! Interviewed!

Authors Interviewed

Fiona at Authors Interviews talks to moi about lots of things. A sample: Let’s get you introduced to everyone, shall we? Tell us your name. What is your age? J. Scott Coatsworth. I’m 51 this year, but still feel like I’m 39 LOL… Fiona: Where are you from? I was born in Southern California, but grew up in Tucson, Arizona. I moved back to CA in 1988, and now live with my husband Mark in Sacramento, in a little yellow 50’s bungalow with two pink flamingos out front. Fiona: A little about your self (ie, your education, family life, etc.). … Read more

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MeansHappy interview

Woo hoo – check out the interview on the Means Happy site: I caught up with science fiction author J. Scott Coatsworth to dig a little deeper into why the genres of science fiction and fantasy appeal to a lot of LGBTQ readers. Coatsworth runs Queer Sci Fi with his husband Mark, a site that celebrates fiction that reflects queer reality. You’ve talked about Tolkein’s Lord of the Rings trilogy as being your introduction into the world of fantasy and science fiction. What was it about Frodo that particularly drew you to that character? When I started reading Lord of … Read more

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INTERVIEW: Scott at Capital Public Radio

Beth Rahuy and Scott

Hey all, I had a great interview at our local NPR station, Capital Public Radio: I’ll be doing a full-on reading and signing at Time Tested Books – let me know you plan to go here: https:/ and order a copy!

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I Get Interviewed!

M.D. Neu Interview

My friend Marvin Neu was kind enough to host me over at his blog for an interview: My first Author Interview of 2018. I’m pleased to welcome J. Scott Coastworth to my Scribble page. Welcome Scott. Thank you for taking the time to chat with me today. Thanks for having me. If you don’t mind, please give us a quick introduction of yourself? Well, I live in Sacramento, California, with my husband Mark of 26 years. We live in a small yellow bungalow in a quiet, tree-lined neighborhood about ten minutes outside of downtown. I have been writing since I … Read more

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I’m Featured at Gay Star News!!!

Gay Star News

The amazing folks at Gay Star News just featured me and QSF: Excited by the gay relationship included in the latest Star Trek series, I spoke with science fiction author J. Scott Coatsworth to dig a little deeper into why the genre of science fiction holds such appeal for a lot of LGBTI people. Coatsworth runs Queer Sci Fi with his husband Mark, a site that celebrates fiction that reflects queer reality. When did you first become interested in science fiction? When I was in second or third grade. My mom has always been a big sci-fi/fantasy nut, and a … Read more