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The Autumn Lands Gets a Release Date!

Autumn Lands

Great news! My latest novella, just released in November as part of the Travels Through the Scarlet Equinox anthology from Mischief Corner Books, will soon be out as a stand-alone book! The release date is January 27th, and I should have a cover reveal in the next couple weeks – the cover will be designed by the talented Catherine Dair. Woo Hoo!

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My Books Are On Sale!!!

Hey all, This being Black Friday and all, a number of my books are on sale! Let’s start of with my latest – Travels Through the Scarlet Equinox: The new Mischief Corner Books anthology is out, and it has a ā€œfallā€ theme. I was lucky enough to be invited to participate, and turned in my longest published work to date ā€“ ā€œThe Autumn Landsā€. An unexpected kiss sends Jerrith on the run from his village and everything heā€™s ever known with the elf who kissed him. Until everything they thought they knew gets turned on its head. Save 25%: ARe … Read more

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Travels Through the Scarlet Equinox Blog Tour

Andrew Q. Gordon

We have our first stops on the Travels Through the Scarlet Equinox Blog Tour! First off, I’m interviewed on Anne Barwell’s “Drops of Ink” blog: If you were stranded on a desert island, what three things (or people) would you want there with you? Oh, that’s easy ā€“ my husband Mark, a bag of double stuff oreos, and a copy of the Silmarillion. I will finish that damned book before I die. Oh, and can I take another bag of Oreos? Who knows how long we’ll be out there. Thanks, Anne! Next up, I have a guest post over at … Read more

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Release Day: “The Autumn Lands” in “Travels Through the Scarlet Equinox”

Hey all, My latest work is out – the sci fi/fantasy story “The Autumn Lands” is now available in the new Mischief Corner Books fall-themed anthology “Travels Through the Scarlet Equinox”. Buy Links: Mischief Corner Books | Amazon | ARe | Bookstrand | Kobo To celebrate, I thought I would share an exclusive excerpt with y’all: Cas was momentarily at peace for the first time in as long as he could remember. He’d lost track of the time he’d spent with the caravan, days that had rolled into weeks, weeks into months and more. It was close-on two years since … Read more

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Travels Through the Scarlet Equinox Available for Preorder

Travels Through the Scarlet Equinox is up for preorder! It’s the 6th anthology from the authors at Mischief Corner Books, Freddy MacKay, Angel Martinez, Toni Griffin and myself, is due for release on the 18th November: The Autumnal equinoxā€”when the trees dress in their formal scarlet and gold and the crisp air whispers of chance and change, when bright days turn into sudden storms and the veil between reality and imagination thins. Join the Mischief Corner authors as they share stories evoking this often unpredictable time of year. My story, The Autumn Lands, is included. It’s an MM fantasy tale … Read more

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WROTE – The Evolution of One Author’s Journey

Hey all. SA “Baz” Collins here. When Scott asked me to guest blog on his site I was immediately intrigued. In the short time I’ve come to know Scott and his works I’ve been nothing short of impressed at the sheer volume of work he does in queer storytelling (writing novels being just one aspect). So what to write about? I pondered talking about my current work (Angels of Mercy ā€“ which has a new release coming out at the end of September) that dives into homophobia in competitive sports (in this case American high school football). And while a … Read more

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Jamie Fessenden Delves Deep in “Violated”

Violated - Jamie Fessenden

Jamie Fessenden has a brand new work out today. TitledĀ “Violated”, it delves deep into the psyche of a man who has been wounded by abuse, and how he heals afterward. Amazon Buy Link | Dreamspinner Buy Link – Save 35% What It’s About Derek Sawyer thinks he has it allā€”a high-salaried position, a boyfriend, a dog, even a new cabin on the lakeā€”until a business trip with his manager and best friend, Victor, shatters his world. One night of drunken horsing around in their hotel room leads to the most intensely personal violation Derek has ever endured. As if the … Read more

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Mischief Corner Books Quarterly V2 is Out – And I’m In It!

MCB Quarterly

It’s here, it’s here! I have a brand new story, “Translation”, in the new second edition of the Mischief Corner Books Quarterly! Four great stories (and more) for just Four Bucks. You can find it at MCB here: And at Amazon here. Here’s an exclusive excerpt from my story: “Rico,” someone said, shaking his shoulder. “Rico, wake up.” “What?” Enrico said, turning over. He always slept naked, and as his eyes flickered open, he was surprised to see Dominic. He pulled the sheets up over himself, strangely self-conscious. It’s not like he hasn’t seen it before. “I’m sorry,” Dominic said. … Read more

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I’m Taking Over the Dreamspinner Facebook Page Today!


I’ll be taking over the DSP page tomorrow from 2-4 EST (11-1 PST) to talk about “Between the Lines”. Stop by and see me. I’ll do some giveaways, there’s a discount on my book, and I may even show some up until now unknown photos of my younger self. Oh, get your minds out of the gutter. Here’s a taste. šŸ™‚ See you there!

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QSF Releases Our First Book


Wow – lots of news this week – today is also the launch date for “Discovery: QSF’s Second Annual Flash Fiction Contest”. This is a great little book – and I say little because none of the hundred-plus stories included are more that 300 words long. The five contest winners are included, but there are many other great stories in here, running the gamut from sci fi to fantasy to paranormal to horror. It’s also a fundraiser for QSF… after the great folks at Mischief Corner Books take a small cut to pay expenses, the rest goes to fund the … Read more