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New Biweekly Serial: Marionettes in the Mist

Hey all, I’m going to be a part of a second free serial tale starting March 3rd – Marionettes in the Mist – from Mischief Corner Books: Where deals are made or broken. Places where people play with the lives of others whether we know it or not. Where people hide from their past or run from their future. Spaces where people do not tread lightly for they do know what lurks in the dark. In these spaces magic can happen, for good or for ill. Happiness. Pain. Love and loss. A life can change forever with a single step. … Read more

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I just got some great news! My story The Autumn Lands was chosen by Vance Bastian to be his second book read for his daily Campfire Podcast: The Campfire Podcast features stories in a chapter-a-day format. Monday through Friday you’ll hear stories that delight, and tease, and thrill, and maybe even frighten you just a little. Because even adults need storytime, right? The show starts on March 14th – don’t worry, I’ll remind you then. And once it’s done, the story will be released in full in audio format. I am sooooo excited. 🙂

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“The Autumn Lands” – Blog Tour Redux

GGR review

Hey all… I recently saw that the GGR Review had a free spot coming up, and jumped at the chance: What are your hobbies, what do you like to do in your spare time? LOL… I wish I had some. My husband and I run several directories for the LGBTIQ community, and I literally work from 5:30 in the morning to 9 PM at night, 6 days a week on that. So I had to carve out my writing time from that. But I do like to read, of course, when I can squeeze it in. And I also love … Read more

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Point of View: The Cover Design Process

I am stealing this column from my blog tour stop at Elizabeth Noble’s Emotion in Motion blog. It was one of my favorites on the tour, and so I wanted to share it directly with y’all as well: ​I LOVE working with an artist on the cover for a new book. It’s your chance as an author to see your work through someone else’s eyes, made real. I’ve been through the process three times now, and it’s been fun every time (at least for me; I’ve probably sent at least one cover designer away screaming). This time around, I was … Read more

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“The Autumn Lands” Blog Tour Stops at Jessie G’s Blog

Jessie G.

One of my last blog tour stops is with the fabulous Jessie G: Thanks, Jessie, for having me on your blog. I’ve only been writing this time around for about two years now. I say this time around because I made a go of being an author some twenty five years ago. I wrote a novel in my early twenties, and sent it out to ten publishers. I was sure it would be snapped up and my career as a writer would be assured. A month went by, then two, and then the rejections began trickling in. One, then two … Read more

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Andrew Q. Gordon Invites me to Stop By His Blog

Andrew Q. Gordon's Blog

One of my LGBT sci fi idols, Andrew Q Gordon, has me up at his blog today as part of my blog tour for “The Autumn Lands”. I am thrilled to be there. 🙂 WHAT IS “THE AUTUMN LANDS” ABOUT? Hmmm… that’s a tough one. It’s about a place where it’s always fall. And it’s about a young man coming to terms with his sexuality. And it’s about an elf with a past that he can’t remember. And there’s a twist. In my stories, there’s almost always a twist. See the full post here

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“The Autumn Lands” Visits Anna Butler’s Blog

Yoday my “The Autumn Lands” blog tour stopped by Anna Butler’s blog, Love That’s Out of This World: Write a story about fall… It sounds easy, right? But I never do anything easy. I could have written a happy little contemporary piece about a love that blossoms amidst the autumn leaves. Or a straightforward metaphor about a man entering the autumn of his life. But I like things that twist and turn. Stories that confound expectations. So instead I wrote The Autumn Lands, a story that’s a hybrid of a bunch of different things… The book can be ordered (3.99 … Read more

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Another Five Star Review for “The Autumn Lands”

Just got a fantastic review for “The Autumn Lands” (five stars) from Kara at Inked Rainbow Reads: To start of this review I have to say this world the author created in this book was amazing! The author explains everything that is happening in this world you really feel like you are there. Jerrith is on the run after being caught kissing Caspian. The moment these two men eyes meet they just knew they were meant for each other. I will just say I loved the way this author wrote these characters. Between the Dual POV’s which was awesome to … Read more