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Point of View: Miz Fortune’s Lonely Hearts Salon Excerpt

Something a little different today. 🙂 I’m sharing an excerpt from Miz Fortune’s Lonely Hearts Salon, a River City novella I wrote for the Love is a Drag anthology (note, will not be available on Amazon until release day, 3/28): Miz Fortune’s Lonely Hearts Salon Chester Carlson hit send on the email to the IRS, completing the last task of his day. Simple, easy, predictable. That’s how he liked it, and work these days hardly ever disappointed. He’d long since exhausted his idealistic youth, having moved on from wanting to make a difference in the world of finance to hoping to … Read more

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Point of View: Hiding Easter Eggs

golden easter egg - deposit photos

One of my favorite things about writing is the idea of the “Easter egg.” This concept started out in video games, where developers would hide a surprise in a bit of code that might trigger a secret weapon, a cache of gold coins, or some other cool thing that wasn’t an official part of the game. The term has since evolved in fiction to mean a bit of information in a story that connects one work to another, but only for readers who are familiar with both. I’ve been writing regularly again, which makes me very happy. I’m going about … Read more