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Point of View: Diving Into Your Characters

Diving - deposit photos

Writing fascinating, well-rounded characters comes easily to some people. Character traits, past histories, and quirky, unique personalities seem to just flow out of their fingers and onto the page, and every book is a new adventure filled with a fascinating new cast. I am not one of those people. Are you? If you are, you can stop reading here. 🙂 I grew up devouring science fiction and fantasy, and I was hooked on the Big Concept. Dragons are real and can travel between in the blink of an eye? OMG, give me that book. Living space ships will carry humanity … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Elizabeth Noble

Elizabeth Noble

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today: Mystery, action, chills, and thrills spiced with romance and desire. ELIZABETH NOBLE lives by the adage “I can’t not write.” She doesn’t remember a time when she didn’t make up stories and eventually she learned how to put words on a page. Those words turned into books and fan fiction that turned into a genuine love of M/M fiction. A part of every day is spent living in worlds she created that are filled … Read more

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Review: Inheritance – Joyce Reynolds-Ward

Inheritance - Joyce Reynolds-Ward

Genre: Sci-Fi, Near Future, Agripuink Reviewer: Scott Get It On Amazon About The Book YOU CAN’T ESCAPE THE INHERITANCE OF THE PAST…OR CAN YOU? Rancher Ruby Barkley and her ex-husband Gabe Ramirez are competing head-to-head for the AgInnovator game show’s new one-shot award, the Ag Superhero. The winner walks away with $3.75 million per year for five years, with no accountability or need to re-earn the Superhero, unlike the Innovator’s other awards. But issues beyond those raised by their long-ago acrimonious divorce face Ruby and Gabe. Fence cutting. Rogue biobots destructively ranging beyond programmed parameters. Physical attacks. And the realization … Read more

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Point of View: Why I’m Leaving Twitter

Twitter is Dead to Me - Deposit Photos

In May 2009, I first dipped my toe into an exciting new social media site. OK, so by new I mean three years old at the time – I am rarely an early adopter. I like most of the bugs to be worked out. I started accounts for two of our business directory sites – Purple Roofs (LGBTQ+ travel) and Gay Realty Network (LGBTQ+ real estate professionals). In December of the same year, I opened a third account, a personal one to find other folks who spoke Italian. La Bella Lingua has been a passion of ours since we first … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Anne barwell

Anne Barwell

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today: Anne Barwell lives in Wellington, New Zealand. She shares her home with kitty siblings Byron and Marigold, who are already running the house and causing havoc.  Anne works in a library, is an avid reader and watcher of a wide range of genres, and is constantly on the look-out for more hours in her day. She likes to write in series and even so called one shots seem to breed more plot … Read more

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New Release: Questionable Minds – Fraser Sherman

Questionable Minds - Fraser Sherman

Fraser Sherman has a new historical steampunk mystery book out: Questionable Minds. In Victorian England, 1888, there are those who say Sir Simon Taggart is under the punishment of God. In an England swirling with mentalist powers — levitation, mesmerism, mind-to-mind telegraphy — the baronet is unique, possessed of mental shields that render him immune to any mental assault. Even his friends think it’s a curse, cutting him off from the next step in human mental and spiritual evolution. To Simon, it’s a blessing. Four years ago, the Guv’nor, mystery overlord of the London underworld, arranged the murder of Simon’s wife … Read more

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Point of View: Writing to Distraction

squirrel - deposit photos

There’s a great skit in Portlandia where Fred Armison plays a character working on his computer, getting calls and messages on his cell phone, alerts on his iPad, and “Netflix” style DVDs in the mail, all of which drives him to distraction. It was hilarious at the time. Who would let themselves be sucked into dealing with so many devices at once? Now a decade later, this is my life. My computer is my window into the world at work. I am constantly checking my email box (twelve separate email addresses and counting), my Facebook comments, and the news – … Read more

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Author Spotlight: J.G. Follansbee

JG. Follansbee

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today: J.G. Follansbee is an award-winning writer of thrillers, fantasy and science fiction novels and short stories with climate change themes. An author of maritime history and travel guides, he has published articles in newspapers, regional and national magazines, and regional and national radio networks, including National Public Radio. He’s also worked in the high-tech and non-profit worlds. He lives in Seattle and blogs at Scott’s Note: I met Joe via our … Read more

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Review: Starman’s Saga – Colin Alexander

Starman's Saga - Colin Alexander

Genre: Sci-Fi, Space Exploration Get It On Amazon About The Book In the year 2069, humanity’s last chance for peace is the first ever interstellar mission. A multi-national crew of the most talented scientists and pilots has been chosen based on their expertise and skill. The final spot aboard the craft is assigned as a prize in a global “BerthRight” lottery, and Leif Grettison is the “everyman volunteer” who won. However, Leif isn’t really an “everyman.” He’s a helicopter paramedic, a lab tech and a former army ranger who fought in The Troubles – a decade plus war that brought … Read more

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Point of View: The Long Fall

Falling - Deposit Photos

I grew up in the small desert city of Tucson, Arizona. When I was seven or eight, we moved out to the edge of town. And I mean waaay out. The nearest shipping center was at Orange Grove Road, a good 3-4 miles from our house. I still remember vividly the trip to the “microwave store” (yes, they actually had stores devoted to selling only microwave ovens) to buy one of these miraculous sci-fi devices for our home. Our brand new home was built in the virgin desert, in amongst the palo verde and mesquite trees and the occasional saguaro … Read more