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New Release / Giveaway: Rembrandt’s Station – Christie Meierz

Rembrandt's Station - Christina Meierz

Christie Meierz has a new MM sci-fi romance out: Rembrandt’s Station. And there’s a giveaway! Stationmaster and exiled aristocrat Albert St. John Rembrandt—Bertie to his friends—is in love with a man he’s always believed he can’t have, and finding out the hard way that some Tolari are as poisonous as their planet is only the beginning of his troubles. A ship has gone missing. His station is in crisis. Bertie must somehow recover his health and manage the disaster while trying to decide whether to accept genetic modification in order to be with the man he loves. And no Rembrandt has ever taken … Read more

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New Release / Giveaway: The Demon Lord of California – Bennu Bright

The Demon Lord of California

Bennu Bright has a new MM alt-history fantasy out (bi/pan, intersex, poly), Infinity 8 book one: The Demon Lord of California. And there’s a giveaway. A Slow Burn Meet Cute! Baker. Wizard. God of Space and Time. Cupcake enthusiast. How long will it take to fan the flames and enrage this gentle phoenix? Start counting. What’s a wounded and lonely little cinnamon roll to do? Stripped of his psychic powers, Calico Winghorse flees his homeworld and travels to 19th century Earth via his inter-dimensional portal. As a mixed-blood phoenix trapped in human form, he opens a bakery in the San Francisco … Read more

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Point of View: So This is How You’re Gonna Be?

2023 is an asshole

A new year is supposed to be a chance to wipe away all of the old year’s ills. It’s a moment to start fresh – to make ambitious goals and resolutions, and to try some new things. Except when it isn’t. We had no grand ambitions for New Year’s Eve. It’s been years since we actually stayed up until midnight – most years we make it to the New York City ball drop (9 PM here on the West Coast), sip a flute of sparkling cider, and then head for bed. This year, the weather gods came for us instead. … Read more

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Point of View: The Future’s So Bright…

man wearing sunglasses - deposit photos

Last week I took a look back at the year that was. This week, I’m casting my gaze forward, to the year I hope will be. I’ll start off with the personal. Mark and I have just come through a bout of covid (not awful, but not much fun either) which follows a truly hellish period of very little sleep and painful PT following my broken arm at the end of June. It has NOT been a great health year in the Guzman-Coatsworth household, but things are looking up. Mark tested negative today, and me last week, so I am … Read more

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New Release: Measuring Up – Dani Hermit & Curtis Star

Measuring Up - Dani Hermit & Curtis Star

Dani Hermit & Curtis Star have a new MM contemporary romance out: Measuring Up. Monarch Springs is full of hot guys… So why is Aiden determined to be in love with the only one that he can’t stand? Up-and-coming interior designer Aiden Hart came to Monarch Springs for an intriguing job and an escape from his old life. Redecorating the tourist trap that is the Monarch Mansion in a small town in Pennsylvania sounded like the exact opposite of his trainwreck of a life in Miami. Not to mention a way to jumpstart his DIY celebrity career. Aiden didn’t want to … Read more

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New Release / Giveaway: Between the Sacred Stars – Chad Grayson

Between the Sacred Stars - Chad Grayson

Chad Grayson has a new space opera romance out, Broken Stars book 4: Between the Sacred Stars. And there’s a giveaway. Everything Changes Journalist Will Corwin and Doctor Amelia Warren have been apart for a month, while Will finishes building the school in honor of Father Morgan, the priest killed by hybrid alien terrorist Nod Corvus. But things get complicated when Amelia’s ex-boyfriend shows up out of the blue with an offer…he knows where Amelia’s father is—the man they need to find so that Will and Amelia can adopt Amelia’s younger brother, Jonah– but what does he want in exchange … Read more

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Point of View: The Year That Was

2022 - deposit photos

2022 was A LOT. To finish out the year, Mark and I both have the virus. As the last wave subsided in late summer, we slowly allowed ourselves to get back to normal, even if we took it slow, still wearing masks indoors, except when it was quiet enough in the cafe or restaurant we were visiting. And eventually giving them up altogether in restaurants, because, hey, at 5 PM they’re deserted anyway, right? Until this last week, when holiday-goers packed those same places, even in the early evening, and the rise in local cases finally caught up with us. … Read more

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Author Spotlight: David Rose

David Rose

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today: David Rose is the author of, among others, The Scrolls of Sin and Lovecraft’s Iraq. The latter has been included in the 2022 HWA Bram Stoker Award® Reading List. His forthcoming work includes “Shain and Cinnastasia” in Superstition from Redwood Press, as well as the essay titled “McNaughton’s Witches” in S.T. Joshi’s Penumbra journal. Thanks so much, David, for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: If you could sit down with one other … Read more

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New Release: Resistance – M.D. Grimm

Resistance - M.D. Grimm

M.D. Grimm has a new MM sci-fi romance out, Saga of the Bold People book 3: Resistance. Can a retired assassin be the savior his people need? How does a former assassin save his fellow humans from extinction? By allying them with mrrogs of course! But that’s easier said than done as humans are understandably distrustful and suspicious of sescurei, the official species of the InterGalactic community. Leopold must convince them that Mastrodai’s offer of alliance isn’t a trick, which means diplomacy, patience, and tenacity. Times like this make him grateful that he has two strong mates to lean on. And … Read more

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Point of View: What We Have Left Behind

nostalgia / clocks / time - deposit photos

Last week, I took a look at some of the sci-fi gadgets, discoveries and trends that are propelling us into a sci-fi, and why they are more disappointing (and in some cases frightening) than I hoped they would be. Today I’m taking a deep dive in the opposite directory, remembering my past, and thinking about some of the things we have left behind. When I was a kid, there were basically three ways to listen to music. Radio, record album, and cassette tape (okay, 8-track was a thing too, but it was already fading by the time I arrived on … Read more