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Point of View: The Dragon Eater Teaser #1

Gullton Map - The Dragon Eater

Hey all… we’re just two months away from my first major release in twenty months – I released Dropnauts in May of 2021. I didn’t mean for it to take this long, but there were reasons. That said, I am thrilled to bring my new Tharassas Cycle to you thanks to Steven Radecki and Water Dragon Publications. It’s loosely connected to The Ariadne Cycle and Dropnauts, and to The Oberon Cycle too, falling somewhere in the middle of these two time-wise. It’s my boy-eats-dragon, other boy-wears-gauntlet, girl-becomes hencha queen YA/Adult crossover sci-fantasy four book trilogy. Isn’t that a mouthful? To … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Michelle Patricia Browne

Michelle Patricia Browne

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today: A writer and professional freelance editor, Michelle Browne lives in Lethbridge, AB with her partners-in-crime and their cats. She is currently working on the next books in her series, other people’s manuscripts, knitting, jewelry-making, and drinking as much tea as humanly possible. Thanks so much, Michelle, for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: When did you know you wanted to write, and when did you discover that you were good at it? Michelle … Read more

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New Release / Giveaway: Hummus on Rye – Karenna Colcroft

Hummus on Rye

Karenna Colcroft has a new MM paranormal romance out, Real Werewolves Don’t Eat Meat book 3: Hummus on Rye. A six-year-old human child, who recently moved with his single father into the heart of the Boston North Pack’s territory, is missing–and Alpha Tobias Rogan has been framed for kidnapping the boy. Meanwhile, a new pack member with a traumatic past has drawn Saul Hughes, the rogue Alpha with a grudge against Tobias, to Boston. Kyle Slidell, Tobias’s mate, spots Saul and realizes he must be behind the child’s kidnapping. But Saul has retained his powers and uses them to erase his … Read more

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Point of View: Social Like It’s 2004…


A couple months ago, I shared why we were leaving the Birdsite. The lack of content moderation, the horrendous way New Owner is treating his employees, and the concerns about not having our content placed next to racist, queer phobic, misogynistic and other awful content were bad enough. But when New Owner invited Orange Monster to come back, we decided we could not in good conscience stay there. We’ve left our accounts there, with a note to follow us to Mastodon, because we were advised by a number of folks that if we deleted them, someone else might pick up … Read more

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New Release / Giveaway: The Southern Magicks – Ashton K. Rose

The Southern Magicks - Ashton K. Rose

Ashton K. Rose has a new queer fantasy/paranormal romance out: The Southern Magicks. And there’s a giveaway. How do you prove your innocence when you don’t even remember whether you did it or not? After a demon attack reveals Dexter’s secret – that his Gran taught him magic – the twenty-three-year-old librarian is forced to work for the local magical law enforcement agency in order to prove his loyalty, and hopefully save his grandmother from execution. However, when someone tries to frame him for crimes he doesn’t remember committing, Dexter realizes he’ll have to start an investigation of his own. … Read more

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Author Spotlight: C.J. Dragon

C.J. Dragon Avatar

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today: C.J. has always been an avid reader of anything in print, enjoying all genres but drawn to science fiction and romance. Happily introduced to the wonderful world of M/M romance, and immediately loving it. C.J. began writing M/M romances, incorporating them in her science fiction stories, and has never looked back. She lives in North Carolina and is happily married to her wife and soulmate who is a writer as well. CJ … Read more

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Point of View: The Wisdom of Letting Go

Man breathing into a paper bag - deposit photos

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. The Serenity Prayer (above, minus the usual reference to the deity) is usually associated with Alcoholics Anonymous. It’s a reminder to those in the program that not everything is in their control, and trying to control things that are beyond us often ends in heartache. I’ve been finding a lot of wisdom and solace in that prayer lately. I’m not an alcoholic – fear about losing control (there’s that word again) as a gay … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Warren Rochelle

Warren Rochelle

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today: Warren Rochelle lives in Charlottesville, Virginia, with his husband and their little dog, Gypsy, after retiring from teaching English and Creative Writing at the University of Mary Washington in 2020. His short fiction and poetry have been published in such journals and anthologies as Icarus, North Carolina Literary Review, Forbidden Lines, Aboriginal Science Fiction, Collective Fallout, Queer Fish 2, Empty Oaks, Quantum Fairy Tales, Migration,  The Silver Gryphon, Jaelle Her Book, Colonnades, and Graffiti, as well as … Read more

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Review: The Stark Divide

The Stark Divide - J. Scott Coatsworth

Just got a five star review from Ulysses at the Paranormal Romance Guild Universal Buy Link The Review I was drawn to this book initially because of the character of Colin McAvery. The presence of a gay character, with a partner, in a sci-fi series. What I didn’t expect was that, while McAvery is central to the story, whose epic sweep covers thirty years in the life of the Ariadne project, he is just himself. My reading trends these past dozen years have taken me to books that feature gay characters, gay plotlines, gay context. That’s not really what Coatsworth … Read more