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New Release / Giveaway: Wake the Dead – Sophie Whittemore

Wake the Dead - Sophie Whittemore

Sophie Whittemore has a new queer dark fantasy/paranormal mystery out (Ace, demi, bi, gay, gender-fluid, lesbian, non-binary, poly, trans, queer): Wake the Dead. And there’s a giveaway. An ominous presence awakens in the small town of Gamin. Fairies murdered by crazed monsters. Magic that makes immortals lose their minds and their heads (literally). Whispers of a vendetta against the fairy crime lords who own the infamous Kraken Club. One ace siren detective, Lili, is dragged back into defending her turf…and hopefully, she doesn’t die this time around. Warnings: violence, survivors, mental illness. Universal Buy Link | Goodreads Giveaway Sophie is giving away … Read more

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Point of View: Holidays Past

Grandma and Granpa Coatsworth's House

The holidays are almost upon us. These days, they are so much different than they were when I was younger. I was a child and grandchuild of divorce, which did have some benefits. At one point, I had – and I counted them – 10 grandparents, and one year I had five different Christmas celebrations, with all the attendant presents. I cleaned up that year. The main event, though, was always at my grandparents’ house – my dad‘s parents. Grandpa John was a minister in the Disciples of Christ church. He was a good man – a bit closed off … Read more

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New Release: Mu; Legend of a Lost City – M.D. Neu

Mu; Legend of a Lost City - M.D. Neu

M.D. Neu has a new MM sci-fantasy mystery out: Mu; Legend of a Lost City. For years, the whispers and legends of a lost city hiding in the Pacific Ocean were just that; legend. On the day Kaimi discovers his parents, the Queen and King of Mu, murdered, Mu’s most powerful weapon fired, sending a pulse rushing towards the North American west coast. After the 2025 Great Pacific Pulse Event, or Pulse, vomited up much of humankind’s trash in the Pacific Ocean along the North American west coast. The mysterious occurrence causing the largest environmental disaster in human history, people … Read more

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Author Spotlight: DJ Gainer

DJ Gainer

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today: A nerdy, chaotic-good, gamer geek by trade, DJ calls the Northwest corner of the United States home. She lives with her spouse, teenage minions, and two adorable Yorkies. When she’s not banging her head against the keyboard or trying to stay focused on her next book, DJ spends her time sewing & crafting with friends, picking out new hair colors, taking long baths, reading, or her personal favorite – gaming (tabletop, RPG’s, … Read more

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Review: Transform the World Anthology

Transform the World

Genre: Sci-Fi LGBTQ+ Category: Gay, Lesbian Reviewer: Beáta, Ulysses Get It On Amazon | Universal Buy Link About The Book “Today I swam through MOMA. Leon says it was a waste, encasing the art, then flooding the museum—frivolous and elitist. I say it was a gesture of optimism, a triumph of technology and political will.” Want to thrill to the possibilities of a hopeful future? We asked a bunch of sci-fi writers to spin tales of a better future, imagining ways in which the world might become a better place. From a swim through an underwater museum to a joyous … Read more

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Point of View: Broken Again

broken arm

Well, I am broken again. For those of you who didn’t see the news on Facebook, I was riding my bike (yes, I know) and managed to run into a parked car. I still don’t know how I did it, other than to say that I glanced over my shoulder, and when I looked back, the car was there. I want to think that it was a magical car, and that it just appeared out of nowhere. But my friends have assured me that this was probably not the case. I managed to break my wrist, and it’s not clear … Read more

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Author Spotlight – Alice Archer

Alice Archer

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today: Alice Archer is a romance novelist who writes in the LGBTQ+ genre. Her first novel, Everyday History, was named a Top Book of 2016 in the HEA USA Today column Rainbow Trends. Alice’s stories explore the personal growth required for true intimacy. Scheming to put fictional characters through the muck to get to a better place helps her heal and find answers. She shares her stories with the hope that others might … Read more

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Point of View: Meet the Author

Hey all… in the midst of all the angst in the world, I wanted to counter-program for a week, so I thought I’d do one of those “meet the author” things, and share a few bits you may not know about me. So strap in and enjoy! 1) I Speak (Kinda) Fluent Italian Back in 2005, when Mark and I were planning our first trip to Italy, we decided we needed to learn a little of the language so we could get by on the basics – you know, “We’d like a table for two.” “Ice, please.” And “Where’s the … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Kayelle Allen

Kayelle Allen

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today: From her comfy, ergonomic office chair Kayelle Allen forges the very fabric of her story universe using only the tips of her fingers and her powerful imagination. Her passion is to create both commissioned and original art, employ extensive worldbuilding with inventive behind-the-scenes peeks, and write tightly woven tales with unstoppable, unshakeable, unforgettable characters so real you’ll swear you’ve met them. Enter her Ever-Expanding Empire at, visit the homeworld to claim your immortality, … Read more

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New Release / Giveaway: Faytte – Tim Rayborn

Faytte - Tim Rayborn

Tim Rayborn has a new queer fantasy book out, Qwyrk tales book 4: Faytte. And there’s a giveaway. As Halloween draws near, Qwyrk and company are abruptly reminded of just how screwed-up everything can get. Qwyrk and Holly are literally being driven apart by magical forces they don’t understand, and their friends are in disarray. Then Holly goes missing and Qwyrk loses something else that’s almost as important, while the behind-the-scenes scheming and shenanigans come to the fore at last. And who is the mysterious, ancient figure in red that seems to know all and see all, but annoyingly, won’t … Read more