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Point of View: Changing of the Guard

change - deposit photos

Sometimes life’s events bring us an unexpected clarity, when a series of events combine to touch us in unexpected ways. Mark and I are at the age where we’re starting to lose people we care about – friends and family alike – many of them gone far too young. People with which we share a cultural lexicon, folks who grew up in the same world that we did and share our worldview. In the last three years alone, we’ve lost three beautiful souls, including a writer friend, a neighbor and big fan of my work, and a beautiful young woman … Read more

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Author Spotlight – Antonia Aquilante

Antonia Aquilante

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today: Antonia Aquilante has been making up stories for as long as she can remember and, at the age of twelve, decided she would be a writer when she grew up. After many years and a few career detours, she has returned to that original plan. Her stories have changed over the years, but one thing has remained consistent—they all end in happily ever after. She has a fondness for travel (and a … Read more

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Review: A Planet of Wrath and Tears – Colin Alexander

A Planet of Wrath and Tears - Colin Alexander

Genre: Sci Fi, Dystopian, Post-Apocalyptic, First Contact Get It On Amazon About The Book A distant star is calling us. Will it end in tears? Could the first contact between humanity and an intelligent species from outer space come at a worse time? The signal arrives when Earth is only beginning to recover from an apocalyptic cyber- and nuclear war. Transportation is by horse. New construction relies on salvage from ruined cities, and indoor plumbing is a thing of the past. Leif Grettison was an army ranger and then an exoplanetary scout who survived two interstellar missions. He thought he … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Karin Murray-Bergquist

Karin Murray-Bergquist

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today: Karin Murray-Bergquist is a writer, actor, artist, and PhD student in Folklore. Their work has appeared in Augur Magazine, Lighthouse Digest, Metapsychosis, Queer Sci-Fi anthologies, Engen Books’ anthology Acceptance: Stories at the Centre of Us, and Air and Nothingness Press anthologies. Thanks so much, Karin, for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: How would you describe your writing style/genre? Karin Murray-Bergquist: Probably something like historical fantasy with a comic or gothic flavour! I … Read more

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Review: Cast Off – R J Theodore

Cast Off - R J Theodore

Genre: Sci-Fantasy LGBTQ+ Category: Gay, Lesbian Get It On Amazon About The Book The Action Packed Conclusion to the Peridot Shift Trilogy Peridot is on the edge of annihilation. Once life-giving, the world’s Trade Winds are transforming people into soulless monsters. The surviving Alchemist gods neglect their followers or take advantage of them. Even worse, a delicate peace has been wasted, and everything and everyone is at stake, especially Meran, the mistreated embodiment of the planet. Captain Talis and the crew of Fortune’s Storm must try to do some good with what’s left of Peridot in the hope that, together, … Read more

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Point of View: Holiday Wishes

holiday candle - deposit photos

With the holidays upon us, I thought I’d offer something a little different this week. Here are my holiday wishes. I wish for the fighting to come to an end, and for the world to find a way to start the difficult work of mending and rebuilding. I wish for the lonely to find a place where they belong, in this holiday season and beyond. I wish for a restoration of civility in my own country and around the world, a reminder that we can disagree without resorting to hateful rhetoric or violence. I wish for an end to the … Read more

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Review: Salvage – R J Theodore

Salvage - R J Theodore

Genre: Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Sci-Fantasy LGBTQ+ Category: Lesbian, Gay Get It On Amazon About The Book Peridot is headed for its second cataclysm. War has broken ancient alliances, sealed borders, and locked down the skies. The Five, Peridot’s alchemist gods, have seen one of their number die and another fall in their efforts to protect their world from invaders beyond the stars. Defeated and diminished, they have ceased to answer the prayers of their people and have left the rapidly unraveling world to fend for itself. Talis and the orphaned crew of the lost airship Wind Sabre have a plan to set things … Read more

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Review: I Made a Reviewer Cry

Xtreme Delusions review - Love & Limitations

I made a reviewer cry (in a good way) and I’m not sorry. From Susan at Xtreme Delusions: One story about broke me and put me back together again. If I didn’t enjoy all of the books in this collection (but indeed I did!) there is one story that made reading it a rewarding, if heart-wrenching, experience. The Boy in the Band broke my heart in places but the story was also uplifting. It’s not exactly a romance but there are romantic elements in it. Heed the warnings listed in the blurb for most of them apply to this story. Justin is … Read more

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Point of View: Coming to Terms With Age

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This year I turned fifty-five. I honestly don’t know how it happened. Last time I checked, I was thirty-five. And suddenly now I’m getting the AARP invite emails. Where did the time go? They say age is a state of mind, and that’s partially true. We often feel far younger than we are. But age is also thinning and graying hair, expanding waistlines, new medications and teeth teeth teeth! I wish I could state-of-mind myself back to twenty. Or maybe twenty-five. Mark and I have a good friend who was born after we met. She’s super smart and pop-culture aware, … Read more

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Review: Rembrandt’s Station – Christie Meierz

Rembrandt's Station - Christina Meierz

Genre: Sci-Fi, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Get It On Amazon About The Book Stationmaster and exiled aristocrat Albert St. John Rembrandt—Bertie to his friends—is in love with someone he’s always believed he can’t have, and finding out the hard way that some Tolari are as poisonous as their planet is only the beginning of his troubles. A ship has gone missing. His station is in crisis. Bertie must somehow recover his health and manage the disaster while trying to decide whether to accept genetic modification in order to be with the man he loves. And no Rembrandt has ever taken … Read more