Angel Martinez Reads from “Translation” in the MCB Quarterly
It’s coming, it’s coming!!!! The MCB Quarterly’s summer edition will be out in a couple days, and I’ll be in it! I sent in a short story called “Translation”, my first set in NYC, about a copy writer who has it bad for his Italian boss. It was an opportunity to put a little of my Italian to work in a story – don’t worry, it’s not overwhelming at all if you don’t know the language. But it’s also a great little MM romance with a twist. I’ll say no more. Listen to the reading here (thanks Angel!): And … Read more
The Blog Tour for “The Homecoming” Rolls On
Another stop today: The amazing and talented Cate Ashwood just hosted me for an interview on her blog. Cate: Do you find the sex scenes easy or hard to write? Scott: Sex scenes are easy. Making them interesting and meaningful is hard. I don’t like using sex in a story unless it advances the plot, but when it does, it also has to make the reader go “oooh”, not “eeew.” I’m also a big fan of “fade to black” Read more here (click the pic):
Five Star Review of Between the Lines on Amazon!
The Grand Blog Tour Kicks Off Again
OK, my second novella is being released this week, and the blog tour is gearing up again. Today – a stop at Garrett Leigh’s blog: Next, Anna Butler pries out some of my deepest secrets in an interview to launch The Homecoming: And another stop at MM Good Book Reviews: And one more, from BA Tortuga’s blog: More coming tomorrow!
Point of View: Why I Write
Hey all, I just started this blog about a month ago, and I’m gradually figuring out what I want to do with it. I’m planning to start posting a personal column once a week, on Mondays – about me, who I am as a writer and a person, what I’m working on, and what motivates me to be a writer. I thought I’d start out with why I write. I’ve been an avid reader since I was a little child. When I was in my early elementary school years, growing up in Tucson, Arizona, my Mom started be on the … Read more
Author Spotlight: Anastasia Vitsky
Today I’m launching a new feature on my blog – the Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. My first one, Anastasia (Ana) Vitsky, is an amazing FF writer who also heads up our monthly FF takeover on the Queer Sci Fi Facebook page. Thanks so much, Ana, for kicking things off! I was stumped how to answer some of Scott’s questions, so I asked my readers how they would do it. Here are their answers, followed by my responses. J. Scott Coatsworth: How … Read more
New Review of Between the Lines…
From Lena Grey at Rainbow Book Reviews: This is a brief but well written love story about two men working in politics, but with different outlooks; for Sam it’s just an internship, but for Brad, it’s where his future lies, despite some of the party’s attitudes being in conflict with his beliefs. Brad is still idealistic enough to think he can make a difference, even though the Republican party’s ideals have shifted from governing and into bargains, bribes, and donations. The medallion is an excellent way to show Brad where he is in life, rather than where he hopes to … Read more
I’m Taking Over the Dreamspinner Facebook Page Today!
I’ll be taking over the DSP page tomorrow from 2-4 EST (11-1 PST) to talk about “Between the Lines”. Stop by and see me. I’ll do some giveaways, there’s a discount on my book, and I may even show some up until now unknown photos of my younger self. Oh, get your minds out of the gutter. Here’s a taste. 🙂 See you there!
More Stops on the Mighty Blog Tour
OK, today is release day, and I’m popping up all over the place. First off – Garrett Leigh’s great blog: Thanks, Garrett! Then there are the great folks at the Novel Approach: And my guest post at Inked Rainbow Reads, with the first Five Star review of the book: This was short enough I read it in about an hour. It’s a fun read with a bit of humor, a bit of drama, and a bit of magic. I loved the snappy dialog and the smooth writing style. I’ll admit, I didn’t like either Brad or Sam at first. But … Read more