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Author Spotlight: BA Brock

BA Brock

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, BA Brock – I am absolutely thrilled to be hosting BA Brock. I met BA shortly after starting up Queer Sci Fi and we hit it off instantly. When we met, he was Beth, but I have been privileged to be a part of his transition. He was working on this story back then – something called King of the Storm, and I got to read parts of it in early drafts. … Read more

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Stuff I Like

I just posted my once-monthly entry in Mischief Corner Books’ Stuff We Like series. My choice today – the microlending service Check it out here.

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Point of View: It’s Monday

I’m having one of those days. One of those days where you know you need to write. Your NaNoWriMo chart is looking a bit anemic. And you need to get your ass in gear. And yet… Sometimes it seems like the world is against you. There are so many other things to do. Things that need to be washed. And sorted. And people who need to be called. And yeah, some of these things are just ways to put off writing. Writers are nothing if not stellar procrastinators. But sometimes the world really is against you when it comes to … Read more

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Travels Through the Scarlet Equinox Available for Preorder

Travels Through the Scarlet Equinox is up for preorder! It’s the 6th anthology from the authors at Mischief Corner Books, Freddy MacKay, Angel Martinez, Toni Griffin and myself, is due for release on the 18th November: The Autumnal equinox—when the trees dress in their formal scarlet and gold and the crisp air whispers of chance and change, when bright days turn into sudden storms and the veil between reality and imagination thins. Join the Mischief Corner authors as they share stories evoking this often unpredictable time of year. My story, The Autumn Lands, is included. It’s an MM fantasy tale … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Andrew Q. Gordon

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Andrew Q. Gordon – Andrew is one of my favorite QSF fantasy authors – he writes Fantasy that happens to have LGBT characters. I met him at Rainbow Con, and we were on a panel or two together – he’s a great guy. Thanks so much, Andrew, for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: How would you describe your writing style/genre? Andrew Q. Gordon: My works have fallen in three categories, Epic and … Read more

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Point of View: Five Fitness Tips for NaNoWriMo

Hey all, Now that NaNoWriMo has begin, I thought I’d share some tips for keeping your mind and body in shape for the marathon writing session you’re gonna have to do on November 30th to finish that damnable 50,000 word novel you committed to on November 1st. Follow these five tips carefully, and you should be in great shape once the last day of NaNo rolls around. 1) Eat Well: Stock up on brain foods that will help get you through long sessions of being chained to a desk while you berate yourself, shout at your inner critic to just … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Arshad Ahsanuddin

Arshad Ahasnuddin

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Arshad Ahsanuddin – I met Arshad at Rainbow Con – he does the amazing Pact Arcanum, which he’s in the process of translating into graphic novel format. Thanks so much, Arshad, for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: How would you describe your writing style/genre? Arshad Ahsanuddin: Sci-Fi and Fantasy with Gay Romance, JSC: What was your first published work? Tell me a little about it. AA: It started out ten years ago … Read more

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My New Horror Story “Gargoyle” Released by WROTE

Hey all, I’m excited to announce my first horror story – my short for the WROTE Halloween Podcast. Fair warning – it is a little graphic, with a sex scene up front. Which may be a plus for some of you. *grin* You can listen to it and a bunch of others (Brad Vance, Rick R. Reed, SA Collins, Jayne Lockwood, Keelan Ellis, Joe Cosentino, Albert Nothlit, Frederick Eugene Feeley Jr.) here:

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NaNoWriMo Cover Reveal

Hey all, My friend William Smith ( offered to create my NaNoWriMo cover for me for Oberon, the novel I’ve been kicking around for awhile. I’m thrilled with the result, and Will was really easy to work with. I’d started this novel before, but am going to go at it from scratch and see where it leads me. I am really excited (and super frightened) about the whole thing. So wish me luck. I must be insane. –Scott

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Point of View: Scenes from a Con

Alex Wifi Dance

So we’re about to hit the road (or the sky) for our trip home from Nijicon in Philadelphia. It was a good con – come next year, y’all! But we had a blast, and met some great folks. So I thought I’d share a few moments with you from our time at the con: 1) The Dancing Alex: Our buddy Alex Woolfson, of “The Young Protectors” fame, was at Niji with us. The Hall wifi kinda sucked, so every time he made a sale (which was fairly often). we’d look over to see Alex doing his wifi dance to try … Read more