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Author Spotlight: Silvia Violet

Silvia Violet

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Silvia Violet – Silvia Violet writes fun, sexy stories that will leave you smiling and satisfied. She has a thing for characters who are in need of comfort and enjoys helping them surrender to love even when they doubt it exists. Silvia’s stories include sizzling contemporaries, paranormals, and historicals. When she needs a break from listening to the voices in her head, she spends time baking, taking long walks, and curling up … Read more

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Cia Nordwell Reviews Myths Untold: Faery

Cia Nordwell

Just in – a great review from Cia Nordwell: – here’s what she said about the anthology, and my story, “Through the Veil”.: Would that I could pick a favorite out of these stories in the anthology. They span a mix of contemporary fantasy, futuristic fantasy, pure fantasy, and fairy tale. I loved that each of these authors created faeries that fit their story structure… The writing is uniformly well done, every story is unique and intriguing in its own way. No matter what flavor of faery you usually prefer, you’ll fall in love with every incarnation in this anthology. … … Read more

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Point of View: The Balance

Scott sword

You can write whatever you want. No, seriously. You are a writer. If you want to write about the fine mesh of belly button lint, or wax eloquent in a poem about how sunlight glints off the dewdrops on a dandelion in the early morning, or even share your deepest, darkest sexual fantasy, you can do it. That doesn’t mean it’s going to sell. I’m preparing to write another novella – yes, I know, but I swear I have a couple novels in the pipeline too! This one is for a particular anthology I have my eye on for a … Read more

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Guest Post for “Myths Untold: Faery” at Garrett Leigh’s Blog

Garrett Leigh

Garrett Leigh hosts us for one of our last official blog tour stops: Faeries are part of mythology the world over, past, present, and future. Called elves, brownies, the fae, and more, they evoke a sense of wonder and a little danger. Faery has its own rules, and humans enter at their peril. In this spirit, we bring you the first book in the Myths Untold anthology series—four stories from the land of the Fae: a homeless man in Cardiff and the luck that could destroy him; the trans man in future San Francisco who falls for an elf; the village … Read more

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Four Star Review of “Myths Untold: Faery” by Molly Lolly

Molly Lolly

Just in – a great review from Molly Lolly: – here’s what she said about the anthology, and my story, “Through the Veil”. Also, a guest post by me about researching the story: This anthology was fabulous. I enjoyed all of the stories and how each author took faeries and the Feary realm and made it their own. It’s a smaller anthology but it had pretty much everything I could want since I’m such a huge fantasy, faery and magic fan. Many of the stories had me wanting more from the characters or ended in a way that made me think … Read more

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Spotlight: Marionettes in the Mist

Hey all, Just wanted to point you over to to another serial project I’m a part of. Marionettes in the Mist is a group project on the Mischief Corner Books blog that I’m doing with Angel Martinez, Freddy MacKay, and Toni Griffin – an urban fantasy set on an Earth not too different from ours. Well, except for all the skin walkers, goblins, dragons and other magical and mythical creatures running around. You can catch up here: We’re also running a cool little contest – guess who wrote each character, and you might win a $25 MCB gift certificate: … Read more

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Guest Post for “Myths Untold: Faery” at The Purple Rose Tea House

Purple Rose Tea House

Charlie Cochet hosts The Purple Rose Tea House – a guest post by August Li on reading and writing fantasy characters: Part of the reason fantasy characters are fun to read and write about—at least for me—is their otherness. By that I mean the traits that set them apart from humans. How they’re fundamentally different from us. The most obvious distinctions are often physical: he has silver hair; he has purple eyes; he has a tail. Exploring the aesthetics is certainly interesting. Probably because of growing up on videogames, comics, manga, and anime, I’ve always been drawn to characters with unusual … Read more

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Guest Post for “Myths Untold: Faery” at Jessie G. Books

Jessie G Books

Jessie G. Books hosts a great guest post for Myths Untold: Faery by yours truly – where I talk about my journey as an author: Thanks, Jessie, for having me on your blog! I’ve only been writing this time around for about two years now. I say this time around because I made a go of being an author some twenty five years ago. I wrote a novel in my early twenties, and sent it out to ten publishers. I was sure it would be snapped up and my career as a writer would be assured. A month went by, then two, and … Read more

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Surprise Review for “The Homecoming”

My book “The Homecoming” came out last year from Less Than 3 Press. Now Rainbow Gold Reviews is surprising me with a review (and it’s a good one): Homecoming is different than any book I have read before. I had a little trouble getting into it at first but It isn’t due to the author’s writing. I believe it has to do with how much info is given in a small amount of words. The characters and scenes were vividly detailed. I enjoyed how the author intertwined shifters with the science fiction genre. If you like a short story with … Read more