Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work.
Writer of steamy paranormal MM queer fiction ( genderqueer NB, they/them). I like pirates, sea monsters, magic and kink. Come follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drakelamarqueauthor
Thanks so much, Drake, for joining me!
J. Scott Coatsworth: What was your first published work? Tell me a little about it.
Drake LaMarque: The Suburban Book of the Dead, it’s a Young Adult ghost story with lots of action. I actually first wrote it because I was angry about Twilight and similar stories with a largely passive woman in the lead whose life is changed by a supernatural guy. I flipped it around, had my main character’s life altered when her friend is killed and immediate comes back as a ghost, and the hot guy is a monster hunter, not a hunter himself. My lead character is dealing with grief, rage, all sorts of fun emotions and is generally more of a Buffy type, just without the supernatural destiny. I’m actually in the process of editing the sequel which expands the universe a bit and introduces more queer characters.
JSC: What do you do when you get writer’s block?
DL: If I get writer’s block it’s usually because I’ve written myself into a corner, or I’m not focusing on the right thing. When this happens I take a hard look at the scene or the project, and ask myself what it’s really about, where is the actual conflict, and then I can usually find a way out of the corner.
If it’s more general, like I’m not feeling creative or inspired in any way, I give myself a break. Take some time off just to read and relax, and maybe I’ll visit a museum or an art gallery, those places always spark something for me.
JSC: Do you use a pseudonym? If so, why? If not, why not?
DL: Yes, I have pen names for my different genres of writing! For urban fantasy with queer characters I use Jamie Sands, for queer romantic comedies I use Jaxon Knight, and for the more steamy books I publish under Drake LaMarque. I find it’s useful for marketing purposes, but it’s quite hard work, and I’m thinking of retiring the Jaxon Knight name just to publish those books under Jamie Sands.
JSC: What do you do if you get a brilliant idea at a bad time?
DL: Note taking! I always have a notebook with me when I’m out of the house, so I’ll write it in there, or in the notes app on my phone. If it’s a whole new book idea then I’ll make up a google doc and just write everything I can think of into the doc. Then I know I won’t forget it and can come back to it at some point. It’s really useful! I actually wrote one of those ideas into a whole novel last year and this year it’s been bought by a publisher.
JSC: What was the hardest part of writing Intimate Night?
DL: For sure the hardest part was having bad stuff happen to my characters. I’m a sort-hearted libra and hurting my characters is hard for me. I have to go back in during edits and make things worse because I always shy away from the angst. I know it comes easy for a lot of authors, and there’s lots of jokes about authors killing off people’s favourite characters, but that will never be me.
JSC: What secondary character would you like to explore more? Tell me about them.
DL: I introduced a bad ass vampire madam/club owner called Athena. I think she’s ancient, and she’s entirely over being dramatic and causing her problems. I’d very much like to delve more deeply into her backstory and maybe have her meet her romantic match.
JSC: Were you a voracious reader as a child?
DL: Yes, my parents took me to the nearest library every Thursday (late opening) and I’d always be exchanging stacks of books. I was always being given books too and I loved it. I was a big Roald Dahl fan, in particular. I recently re-read The Witches and I could recall whole paragraphs verbatim. I must have read it thousands of times.
JSC: What pets are currently on your keyboard, and what are their names?
DL: Pokki is a little stray tiger who chose our house to have a litter of kittens under. We got the kittens fostered out, had her fixed and she promptly moved in and is loving the house cat life.
Shortly after she’d settled, she moved Care Bear in, who we think is her brother. He’s a ridiculous smooch and follows me around like a puppy. He’s also very into house cat life know that he knows about it.
JSC: What’s your favorite line from any movie?
DL: “In this life, there are nothing but possibilities” it’s from Empire Records which I watched at age 19 and it had a big effect on me.
But I’m also very motivated by “We accept the love we think we deserve” from The Perks of Being a Wallflower, I have a tote bag with that printed on it from Powell’s World of Books.
JSC: What are you working on now, and what’s coming out next? Tell us about it!
DL: I’m working on a book called The End of the World which is part of a multi-author project that hasn’t been officially announced so I can’t tell you too much.
Next? I’m hoping to get another Mt Eden Witches book done, they’re my cozy urban fantasies set in New Zealand. Basil, the gay librarian witch and his boyfriend Sebastian the ghost-hunter are always fun to write.
And now for Drake’s new book: Intimate Night:
The stakes have never been higher.
Why did Brand think having a vampire boyfriend would be easy? As if keeping up with his college studies and best friend wasn’t challenging enough, his dominating boyfriend Gage seems determined to push him to his limits (in the best possible way). But it’s not all burning hot nights and surprisingly tender aftercare…
When Gage leaves town on business, the punky vampire’s past comes back to haunt them with a vengeance.
Now Brand’s life is on the line – and if Gage wants to save him, he must confront the monster within
An MM vampire/human romance featuring lots of spice – part two in a series, best read with Dark Attraction first.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and we kissed. My heart fluttered just from the proximity and the scent of him. I pulled back.
“Maybe we don’t have to go out?” I traced a line down his chest with one finger.
Gage shook his head. “No, you wanted a date and I’m going to give you a date. A fucking romantic night out, because you deserve to be wooed.”
“Oh my god.”
Gage shook a finger in my face. “You wanted this! You’re getting my woo game tonight.”
He picked up a jacket and held it out for me to put on.
“Please never say woo game again.”
“No promises.”
I slipped my arms into the jacket and he slid it smoothly up to my shoulders and patted me down. “How are you the worst and the best at the same time?”
“Oh, I’ve always been that. Even before I was turned, I’m just talented.”