Thanks so much to Chris at Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews for hosting my blog tour. For this one, Chris asked me to talk about my inspiration for writing characters:
Thanks to Chris for welcoming me to Wicked Faerie’s Tales. Chris asked me how I come up with my characters and storylines.
I had to stop and think about that. I’d like to say that they just come to me whole-cloth, but that’s only happened a couple times, and both of those stories were very short.
As far as creating characters goes, it tends to be really organic for me. I usually start into the story, and the character details build up as I go. It’s like being in a dark room, and bit by bit, the light starts to illuminate different aspects of the characters around me. By the time I finish the story, I have a much better idea of who they are and where they came from, and I strengthen this in second draft…