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“A New Year” Double Edition Releases Wednesday

A New Year

Hey all,

My latest magical re-release comes out in two days – A New Year: Special Double Edition.

This one is special – it’s actually two versions of the same story. From the foreword:

ā€œA New Yearā€ has a bit of a history. When I first wrote it, it was intended for an anthology to be out by Dreamspinner. It tells the life-long love story of Hank and Dale.

After sending it in, I re-read the prompt and realized it called for stories set outside the USA. I had set the entire tale in Northern California, with most of it taking place in San Francisco.

So I retooled it, moving it to the UK with the excellent help of Tony, my stepdad, who is British. Tony was invaluableā€”he helped me get the language and idioms right.

This time, the story was changed to tell the story of Heath and Finn.

I polished it up and resubmitted it, and waited. And waited. And waited.

Finally, the reply came back. It was a no.

So I dusted it off and shipped it out again, and this time it was picked up by a place called Inkstained Succubus – or Inky Suky for short – a now-defunct publisher that put the story in their ā€œCandle in the Darkā€ anthology. The publisher asked me to juice up the sex scenes a bit, so I did.

A couple years later, the story was returned to me with the demise of the publisher, and I threw together a quick version of it to give away to my email list subscribers.

Iā€™m now revisiting it again, with a twist. This volume has both versions. The first one is the original San Francisco version. I think itā€™s the sweeter of the two.

Following the SF version is the one set in London. Itā€™s the same basic story, but with a different flavor and a bit more spice.

I hope you enjoy this new edition!


This special edition includes two versions of the story – the UK one that was originally published in the “Candle in the Dark” anthology, and the original (never before published) version set in San Francisco.

Version One:

Hank is at the end of his rope. The California high school senior is ready to jump off a bridge, to end it all, when Dale shows up.

Dale is a man with a secret, someone who will change the course of Hankā€™s life in a single night, and then vanish back into the fog.

But the two men are linked in ways Hank canā€™t even imagine, and when the time is right, they will see each other once again.

Version Two:

Heath is at the end of his rope. The British high school senior is ready to jump off a bridge, to end it all, when Finn shows up.

Finn is a man with a secret, someone who will change the course of Heathā€™s life in a single night, and then vanish back into the fog.

But the two men are linked in ways Heath canā€™t even imagine, and when the time is right, they will see each other once again.

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